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Will Healthcare Reform Work?

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

By Brian Freeman for mydisfunkshion.onsugar.com

The majority of America voted for a man who promised change, and as the leader of our country, he has brought change which we all should embrace.

I am optimistic about the Healthcare Reform bill. However, I have a lot of concern, which all Americans should feel, because I have yet to see a government program where spending did not exceed estimates.

As I understand it, taxes begin now and benefits are not implemented until four years down the road--a gimmick to decrease the projected 10 year costs. I don't think four years worth of taxes will be put into an account to be applied to costs of benefits down the road.

Additionally, the back room deals caused by Republicans (which is a party I no longer love) have created a convoluted and mangled mess of rules and regulations that will take time to sort out in addition to an ever increasing bureaucracy that will add costs which I am sure were not included in the CBO cost projections.

I'm concerned that the government that has never been constrained by fiscal responsibility will be able to pull this one off. However, Americans are good at messing things up and learning.

This will be a long struggle with many changes and there will be downfalls, but ultimately we should all realize for the betterment of society that this is the right thing to do.

We are one of most advanced nations in the world, and yet, so many our citizens fall through the crack and suffer from our current broken healthcare system.

We should remember our history and realize this is the same government whose army lost every major battle in the American Revolution except Yorktown. We were ripped apart in WWII North Africa by Rommel; lost miserably at Bull Run; and pushed to brink of annihilation at Pusan. Washington D.C. was sacked in the war of 1812. Yet we survivied and learned from our mistakes to come back.

American history is filled with struggle, but it is who we are. We screw up, learn, and come back for more. As it was said about American troops in WWII, who made a number of huge mistakes, “We only make them once!”

The Health care bill will be no different.

To be honest, after having my father (a veteran) pass away, I had the pleasure of dealing with the best run healthcare program in the United States Veterans Affair. I sincerely hope the U.S. can bring the efficient healthcare services it offers to the military to the civilian population as well.


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